Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a great time today with friends and family! We went to our friend's neighborhood for a Halloween parade, which ended with a pizza party in a culdasack. From there we went trick or treating....Grace was acting like it was the best day of her life! She'd run up to a house, say "trick" or "treat" (never both at once), then come back to us yelling, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" And then on to the next house! Ella was a monkey (Grace's from last year) and Grace was a ballerina (tutu compliments of our friend Becky), then switched into her full bodied cat suit as it got colder. Having little kids around makes life (and holidays) so much better! Grace and Ella's innocent joy about the littlest things is so contagious! We're so thankful for our two little blessings from above!

Enjoying the "treats" before the trick or treating even began!

In the parade

Best Buddies!


She would have done this all night!


Coombs said...

Great pictures. The costumes are so cute...I love how Grace had costume options! I'm glad we called last night and ended up via-skype. Happy Halloween weekend!

Unknown said...

meg & nate....the girls are growing up so quickly. they make me excited for when glen & i decide to start :). looking forward to seeing you in december...let us know when you'll be around! love, ali